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Asset Renew IT Lifecycle Services
Technology does not stand still; it is eternal in its evolution, reflecting the dynamic needs of its users. Although the technological advancements of software are seemingly limitless, the hardware components of technology have a finite lifecycle.
When software’s latest iteration is released, a user purchases the new version and that’s it, there is no residual byproduct, no way to recoup any of the original outlay.
But what about hardware? The question is, when hardware technology needs to be upgraded or withdrawn from use, can any value still be redeemed, and how?
The response is yes—the answer is Asset Renew.
Who We Are
Asset Renew, through a smart end of lifecycle management plan is your solution to regaining a portion of the cost from the technology you invested in. We like to refer to it as “Value Recovery”, and simply put it is a way for our clients to recover value from technology that is being retired, even if it has been in circulation for up to 10 years. We will work diligently to deliver the highest return for you. Also of importance, we provide you with peace of mind by ensuring ALL your data is eradicated forever. Our data destruction services are directed by NAID’s best practices.
Maximum Value Recovery, benefiting both your company and the environment, is the primary objective of our team of dedicated, industry professionals.
Let Asset Renew be your socially responsible answer for sending your legacy assets downstream.

Kevin Kuipers – President
Kevin has over 20 years in the technology market and is known for his personable manner and dedication to providing his customers with value-added service.
“The company name Asset Renew promotes the use of renewed tech.
It also signifies the at our products are as good “As New!”

How We Do It
Our facility is set up for the testing, evaluation, remarketing, and shipment of electronics. Our network of resale channels and licensed recyclers allows us to pay more for your retired assets. We are happy to arrange a custom full service IT asset disposition package which will include secure data wiping using reputable industry software, and hard drive crushing process.
Our Services

White glove handling
We will come to your facility and collect the hardware pieces you authorize. Just show us where it is, and we’ll take it from there. We arrange and manage the logistics, including handling and palletization. Already packaged? We can pick that up too!

Value Recovery
We will work on your behalf to extract the maximum value for any equipment collected. Even hardware up to 10 years old may still carry residual value. Contact us today to pick up your dated tech instead of letting it sit in your warehouse/office where it’s losing value every day. Put that money back into your IT budget!

Data Security
We are dedicated to protecting your corporate data. From laptops, desktops to data centers, protect the sensitive data on your end-of-life IT equipment. Whether your data is destroyed either digitally or physically, we follow the best practices of iSigma (International Secure Information Governance & Management Association). Your data will be 100% destroyed with certification provided.

Electronics Recycling
Electronic waste will NOT go into landfills. Any items that we are unable to reuse will be responsibly recycled.

Data & Device Security
Removal of all data & identifying markings, asset labels etc.
All work is conducted on an isolated network at our locations that employ high-level physical security such as closed-circuit security cameras, 24 hour monitored alarm, secure storage, and quarantine zones.
Variety of permanent erasure options through WipeOS Data Erasure, certified, data sanitizing software.
Secure point-to-point transportation.
Processes mandated and approved by iSigma (International Secure Information Governance & Management Association).
Detailed audit reporting is available.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long are offers to purchase my IT assets valid for?
Answer : Unless otherwise agreed, our standard quote is valid for ten business days. Equipment collection is performed within 15 business days. Need a longer-term? Talk to us.
How soon will I receive my funds?
Answer : We typically complete a detailed assessment, data erasure, audit reporting and provide formal offer within 10-15 business days. Once you accept our offer, we require you to forward an invoice to us reflecting the quoted pricing. Payment is issued to you upon receipt of the invoice.
What goods do you accept?
Answer : We love laptops, desktops, tablets and LCD monitors (22” and larger) but we make it our mission to find homes for everything. Please reach out so we can discuss how we can best assist you.
Are there any extra fees / charges?
Answer : In a word, NO. Our offers include HST/GST, collection costs, full data erasure, all assessment work and certificate of data destruction. If you require additional services such as more complex data destruction or detailed asset management, we can work with you to build a custom, inclusive offering.

Our Role In Sustaining The Environment
We know that value doesn’t solely come in the form of dollars. At Asset Renew, we believe the technology that industry casts off, that ends up in our landfills, should be a global concern, therefore, requiring a collaborative response. We are proud to be a part of an ethical and environmentally responsible solution that helps safeguard the future of our planet.
By reusing as much hardware as possible, we aid in reducing the need to manufacture new units, and we recycle the pieces that are no longer viable. Asset Renew offers a sustainable and conscientious way to ensure that yesterday’s technology does NOT end up in today’s landfill.
It bears repeating, we are a 100% landfill free company. If we receive an asset that we can’t repurpose, we direct it to an industry partner who follows strict, regulated, government mandates for the item to be recycled. It’s broken down into its raw components so that it may be reused, supporting the circular economy.
Our Corporate Social Contribution
At Asset Renew, we put our money where our heart is.
We proudly contribute a percentage of every sale to Tree Canada.
We feel it is crucial to offset our consumption of products made from trees, and the carbon emissions from our logistics chain. Although we are not a manufacturer, our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality.
Through the support of environmentally conscious businesses and organizations, Tree Canada has planted over 83 million trees to date. Their goal is to bolster Canada’s urban forests and inspire people to participate in, and advocate for, community greening.
Tree Canada is the only national non-profit registered charity dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments.
Through their programs, research and educational efforts, the organization has helped restore tree cover in areas hit by natural disasters, guided communities in managing their urban forests, helped green 700 schoolyards, and organized urban forest conferences.
We encourage you to visit Tree Canada’s website and become a part of the greenery!